Will's Story

Who am I

As a Research Scientist, my role is to observe, discover, and communicate how the world works around us. However, I found myself asking, how much do I really know about myself and my inner workings? Who am I, and how do I fit in amongst the world around us? 

Much of human behaviour is governed by patterns and habits. Many of these serve a useful purpose. Yet there is another side where we react rather than respond – autopilot mode. 

What I learned

Through my journey with SHC, I discovered a unifying framework that bridged my inner and outer worlds, pulling together multiple threads that answered many questions. My journey has been in equal parts of learning and unlearning.

How I am feeling now

Now I experience a greater sense of ease and peace in everyday life. I have learned tools that assist me in being fully present in the moment, as well as connecting more deeply with myself and those around me. 

I am exceptionally grateful for the extremely professional facilitation, deep knowledge, and community at SHC.


Vesa’s Story

Who am I

I am a business professional with a constant passion for learning and personal growth and development. I never give up on creating a better life for myself and strive for a life of meaning and purpose where I can help inspire others to make a difference with their lives.

What my life was like before I engaged with SHC

For the past 15 years I have been on a massive personal growth and development journey. I have sought out many different healing modalities and ways to be more self aware, conscious and to connect deeper with myself. Throughout life I went through some challenging experiences which left some traumas that held me back from living a fuller life. I made many continual attempts to heal from these traumas but found my progress to be very slow.

For years I researched and wanted to undertake the type of healing work that Sacred Healing provides, but didn't know of anyone who offered this in Australia. Through the perfect synchronicity of a series of events, in early 2022 I was introduced to Sacred Healing and in a short space of time I now feel like a transformed person.

What I experienced

Working with Sacred Healing has allowed me to go much deeper into my personal growth and development, raise my consciousness, heal from traumas and break patterns of thinking and behaviour at a much faster rate than any other healing modality I have tried. 

What I learned

I’ve learnt that self love and being grounded in myself and my needs is pivotal in allowing me to live a fulfilling life. I can create better boundaries, focus on my inner needs and speak my truth. 

How my life has changed

I have recently started as a Trainee for Sacred Healing, and this work feels like a real calling for me. Interacting with all the like minded people and being in service of others feels like the right path for me. All this work is allowing me to significantly fast track my personal growth and development. I am more conscious of my patterns, and I am able to skillfully work through feelings of depression and anxiety when they arise. 

How I’m feeling now

I continue to release the need to control the outcomes of my life, I have more trust in myself and continue to surrender and allow my life to organically unfold. I still have many more “onion layers” to peel back so that I can uncover my true authentic self and I’m truly excited to continue doing this deep work which will allow me to shine my light into the world. I feel grateful beyond measure to be working with Sacred Healing.

Týr’s Story

Introduction - Who am I

As a self-titled Maverick Entrepreneur, I have built several businesses in different countries and experienced a ‘colourful’ global career spanning several sectors in various corporate executive and consulting roles.

One of my fortes is breakthrough thinking. A key strength is taking the complex and communicating it in simple terms. It is something I enjoy. The art of understanding and articulation. Helping others to help themselves and sharing knowledge.

I regard myself as kind of heart and wild of spirit. I thrive on experiencing many things at once rather than focusing my energy on just one thing. As a double-edged sword, it has afforded me some fantastic successes and highs in life and generated some brutal lows. 

What life was like

My journey to SHC was a long and hard one, but one of ultimate persistence. The lead-up to engaging SHC took me approximately three years of self-discovery, starting with a 'life crash', as I would call it.

A successful business began to fail, legal issues with business partners, rapid financial hardship, personal health issues and a close family member and confidant passing away suddenly. The perfect storm, as they say. The weight was too much to bear, and I couldn't 'think' my way out this time. I began using alcohol and recreational substances to numb myself to the stress. I became depressed and, for a short period, suicidal. In a life-defining moment, I chose to try to think laterally, ask for help and find another way out. This was the rock bottom where I decided to try things I had never considered before – after all, I figured I had nothing to lose!

What I learned

What I have learned has been quite simply life changing! Through a journey of soul retrieval and profound self-discovery, I managed to 'crack' the code on my life to date. I understood WHY I am the way I am; I found out WHO I really am and ultimately WHAT I am part of. For someone who lost, it doesn't get better than that—the perfect springboard for purpose and direction.

One of the most profound observations of the SHC process is that I did it all for myself. In my mind, the process allows you to once and for all hear your truth and shed everything that either didn’t really exist in the first place or is dragging you down like a bag of stones and stopping you from living to your full potential.

How my life has changed

Well, it is a radical transformation of one's self. I feel 'whole' for the first time in my life and have a deep sense of kindness, compassion for others, and confidence in purpose. What was a crossroads for me with many confusing choices to move forward is now clear. With this newfound transformation comes a more profound love and appreciation of those I care about, better business relationships and a demystified path to true happiness.

With all this comes a new tribe – a community of like-minded people and unconditional support. There are no words to describe the value of this as a human being.


Introduction - Who am I

As a business owner/ entrepreneur, I have experienced many things throughout the life of growing a business and have often felt the pressure of my choices and the risks taken. My experiences have impacted the lives of those around me, most notably those closest to me, in positive and not-so-positive ways. 

What life was like

Before going to SHC, I felt disconnected from my business, family, and life. My relationship with my wife and kids felt disconnected. I was using alcohol as an escape rather than a celebration, and life was somewhat empty. Something had to change.

At this time, a good friend introduced me to SHC, where he said it was a life-changing experience, so I jumped at the chance to do something different.

I trusted my mate and went ahead with the process. Once introductions were made and I booked my sessions, I was taken on an enlightening journey. The experience itself is something I could not have expected. 

The facilitators at SHC are masters at their work. They created a safe and secure space to explore my past patterns, so I could see what was holding me back in business and life.

What I learned

What I learned through the process was profound.  

We all have patterns of behaviour that serve us and hold us back. Through this process, I discovered both. First, we explored the patterns that were created in my early years. I saw how these patterns were showing up in my today's reality. I discovered that when I could recognise the patterns for what they are, I could acknowledge them and choose to change my perspective. It's this change that created a new reality and new lease on life.

How my life has changed

Life for me now has never been better. My relationship with my wife and kids is more connected than ever. My business is growing well and is starting to form into what I had always envisaged. I'm free of the negative patterns holding me hostage, and I'm now feeling free to explore a whole new world with love and gratitude for this wonderful experience called life.

I have much love and gratitude for the SCH community for their support throughout my transformation.


Renee’s Story

Introduction - who am I

I was a single mum, raising & supporting 3 boys, working full time behind a desk, whilst managing the ongoing debilitating effects of Ross River Virus. For 6 years I struggled everyday and felt like I was just running circles on a hamster wheel.

What my life was like before I engaged with SHC

I was in my early 40’s and felt like I just hadn’t reached any personal goals or felt fulfilled in life. In my darkest moment, I had even considered taking my own life. And not many people were aware of these struggles because I was also a proud woman.

It was my eldest son who introduced me to SHC. I had been observing his incredible transformation and he had been watching the decline in my strength of spirit. By this stage I was ready to try a more holistic approach and overcome a pharmaceutical dependency.

When I booked a therapy session I was full of questions on what to expect. All my son would say was “it will never be what you expect so just go in with an open mind and open heart”. And it was the best advice he gave because even I couldn’t imagine the powerful impact it would come to have in my life.

What I experienced

There was a sense of overwhelming love and support! There was deep inner healing and epiphanies that lead me to lead a better existence! I won’t go into details as I don’t want to set expectations because no one experience is the same but so worth the leap of faith.

What I learned

I learned how certain repetitive behaviours of mine would result in the same undesirable outcomes and how the stories I ruminated on were very much the cause of my anxieties.

I learned to see different perspectives which allowed me to see the bigger picture.

I learned tools that helped me manage adversities.

But more importantly, I learned self-love and what is true self care.

How my life has changed

I honestly never knew such inner peace! Reflecting back and understanding that my life was driven by a primal survival mode, always in some fight or flight reaction. Existing within these societal expectations of me and not so much by my deep desires. Since that first experience with SHC, my reality has completely changed for the better, no exaggeration! The dynamics of my little family unit, the people around me, my career and above all… the way I see myself.

How I'm feeling now

Now I wake up every morning with so much gratitude and motivation for life.  There will always be ups’n’downs however now I am confident in knowing I will not just overcome anything but thrive. 

Anon's Story

Introduction: Who am I

I’ve been a housewife and mum most of my adult life who has always been looked after by my husband and family.  When I hit 40 life didn’t seem so fulfilling or easy as it had before and so my conscious spiritual journey started.

What was Life Like

A journey down into depression, with 4 teenagers at home.  Slowly working my way out of that hole through meditation, yoga and various workshops.  I had been a big drinker through my 20’s and 30’s and managed to give that up. Through my meditation practise I became quite a loner and had lost my sense of community and have always been searching for more answers on the inner plane. This has recently led me to exploring different breathing techniques, at which I met a beautiful man, who was so full of life, that introduced me to SHC.

What I Learnt

This is all still very new to me as my first ceremony was only a few weeks ago.  The facilitators are amazing and I immediately felt the love radiating from them, which helped me get the most out of my weekend.  With the connection and information post ceremony I’m still feeling the integration of the medicine and keep going back to the intentions I set and now realise how important they are.

How My Life has Changed

I’ve always been pretty analytical and have found it a challenge to understand the “thinking with your heart” concept, especially with the self doubt mind chatter! My biggest change is how wonderful and positive I FEEL already in such a short time and allowing this new path to open up for me without having to know all the ins and outs!  I’m aware of the mind chatter, but I can see it clearly for what it is.  I FEEL very excited to be able to learn from the beautiful people at SHC and to help create a wonderful world with an open heart.  I am very blessed to have come across their path and be welcomed into their community. 

Bron's Story


Like many people, I am a seeker of truth and have been asking myself the same series of questions for as long as I can remember - e.g. “what drives people”, “why do / don’t people succeed”, “what inspires passion and purpose”, (and the big one) “what is this life all about...”.

What life was like

I worked in corporate law for over 10 years (both in private practice and in-house), consistently striving for success and achievement as that is where I thought I would find the answers. I read countless “self help” books, attended various conferences / events / seminars each year, had various life and executive coaches, and still was left guessing. I always felt like something was missing; like life was happening to me. I became more and more disconnected from the present and myself. 

What I learned

My brother was asking similar questions on a similar quest. I had heard about Assisted Therapy a number of years ago and felt very drawn to the experience, but there was no clear pathway at that time. That's when we found SHC.  

What life is like now 

I remembered the answers to those questions through rediscovering my authentic self. This occurred through self healing and reconnection, self expansion, and being part of a beautiful like minded community. The adventure continues, however I feel mind, body & spirit is flowing with life force energy, feeling the awe + wonder of each day, and trusting that life is and has always happened for me. 

Words cannot express how grateful and humbled I am to be part of SHC. Thank you