PAP Facilitator Training/Soul Activation

With the rising interest in self-healing modalities and plant medicines, there is an increasing demand for trained facilitators with experiential knowledge of these practices. We believe that creating a safe, sacred, and ceremonial setting is essential for the success of this work, and we prioritise the safety and well-being of our participants.

For those who walk through our doors and feel a call to serve, we offer facilitator training.  We take expressions of interest from candidates willing to do the great work of assisted psychotherapy while remaining active community members.

Our Team and Community

As part of our team, you join a community of like-minded individuals from all walks of life. Our collective desire is to bring this work to as many souls as possible who seek to face their shadows, tame their egos, and become better versions of themselves.

We believe that by releasing what no longer serves us in this life, we can move to the next life changed forever. We are filling our cups so much so that they overflow into the lives of others. We are raising the collective consciousness.

We Are Familia(r)

Our team of facilitators and trainees is a safe space to ask questions, learn, and be supported on your journey of self-discovery. We approach this work with open hearts and deep care. We have a structured training process developed over 20 years and training pathways. Our boundaries are steadfast to keep us all safe and aligned with our vision and purpose.  

The Key To This Journey is Persistence

We invite you to step into a course in ‘the alchemy of self’, a traditional yet modern approach to plant medicine and therapy.  Through this program, we develop our Pure Selves, Trust in Source and Trust in Love.

If you feel called to join our team, please submit an expression of interest to us. We look forward to hearing from you and supporting you on your journey.