Couple Therapeutic Sessions

Our early relationships, particularly with our parents, can significantly impact our intimate relationships later in life. The subconscious mind, which holds memories and seeks to heal core wounds, may lead us to repeat patterns of behaviour and emotions with our loved ones.  

Conflict and healthy disagreements are natural in these relationships, and even if we can’t consciously remember them, these memories are stored in our subconscious mind. This part of the mind seeks to heal core wounds and seek the familia(r) in an attempt to stay safe and nurtured.  What we can predict feels safest to the brain. 

Anxiety and depression are symptoms of unaddressed core issues that stem from future predicted calamities or past traumatic experiences. This can lead to repetition compulsion, where we re-enact patterns with our loved ones.

Strong relationships can be safe spaces to heal, but if not, drama can be the outcome. It’s important to see strong relationships as safe spaces to heal and learn how to fully trust, openly communicate, and be vulnerable.  By meeting our own needs with compassion, we learn to meet the needs of others without co-dependent behaviour surfacing due to unacknowledged nurturing issues.  This growth in emotional intimacy leads to inner healing intelligence.

Inner Healing Intelliegence

Inner healing intelligence is a concept that recognizes the body and psyche’s innate capacity to heal, and it can be used to empower individuals to take responsibility for their healing.

Assisted Therapy is an innovative approach to addressing core issues and healing relationships.