What is Assisted Therapy

As society moves away from traditional thinking and modern medicinal methods, we are embracing alternative ways of healing the mind, body and soul. Conventional treatments are just not cutting it anymore. Addiction, mental health and other psychological disorders continue to rise in numbers as treatments do little to heal the root cause.


Through assisted therapy, it is possible to reframe negative thought patterns and begin the process of breaking old habits, seeing results after just one therapy session.

The Sacred Healing Approach

The Sacred Healing approach honours sacred rituals and wisdom passed down through generations. By incorporating modern assisted therapy with timeline regression through the aid of plant medicines, we can treat conditions such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • PTSD
  • Mood disorders 

Clinical results have shown that when these master teachers are used in a safe and secure setting, many mental disorders are felt and perceived as a neutral observer. This allows the participant to transmute the energy surrounding the disorder into a neutral aspect, releasing any perceived control over their conscious and subconscious mind. This process may alleviate disorders in the participant’s cognitive function.

In our experience, participants leave with a clear and uncluttered mind allowing themselves to become the best version of their most authentic self.

Why choose plant medicine and therapy?

Plant medicine can be a powerful catalyst for self-discovery and healing. The process often results in re-surfacing old memories, feelings, thoughts and long-buried trauma. A structured approach in a safe, secure and sacred space is needed to fully benefit from what surfaces. This is what we like to call our Assisted Therapies.

To fully incorporate everything released from the medicina, we strongly rely on the therapeutic session’s intent and environment. At Sacred Healing, we provide a safe and comfortable setting. Our ceremonial space is smudged, cleansed and cleared of all energies before, during and after each ceremony.


The assisted therapy ceremonies are offered either in 1 or 2 consecutive day sessions. Each session runs for 4 to 6 hours. With past experience we find a deeper sense of clarity and understanding with the two consecutive day sessions.