Integration of the New Self: The Great Work

The process of integration is a crucial step in the journey of assimilating the mind, body, and spirit after a life changing experience. It is a process that involves extracting meaning from the experience and applying the insights and downloads received into one’s life for the purpose of personal growth and well-being.

One essential aspect of integration is taking care of oneself physically. Getting enough sleep and rest, at least 8 hours per night, is crucial to avoid irritations and potential feelings of separation. Additionally, drinking fresh, un-fluoridated water, at least a liter per day, is emphasized as water is seen as a friend in this process.

After awakening to a new level of consciousness, there is no going back. It is acknowledged that individuals who are drawn to this work are sensitive souls. Finding oneself on Earth, a beautiful place of learning and living, is a reminder that it is not one’s role to save the world but rather to embrace and experience the journey.

Refraining from judgment, both self-judgment and judging others, is emphasized. Connecting with nature and experiencing its elements, such as feeling the wind on one’s skin or observing the stars at night, is encouraged as a way to draw in ionizing energy and appreciate the beauty around.

Dreams are seen as a source of guidance and insights into one’s process, and it is advised not to over-analyze them but to trust that all is good. It is acknowledged that life in the coming weeks may be different than what one is used to, potentially bringing up more questions than answers. The ego-mind may push and pull, creating a sense of separation, but it is important to view it from a neutral observer perspective and focus more on feeling rather than overthinking.

Setting foot on this path brings an awareness of its presence everywhere. It is emphasized that individuals are not alone in this journey and are supported by others. Rest is seen as a beginning, not an end, and looking inward reveals the diamond within.

The Medicina’s are recognised as tools that work on the psyche, resetting the self and the ego-mind. They are seen as divine drinks that offer the possibility of accepting the things one cannot change and changing the limited perspectives that stem from a subconscious separated mindset.

In a world with a dual nature, embracing the light and the gnosis of the opened heart is encouraged. Opening oneself to the light and uncovering the deepest mysteries leads to a new dimension of consciousness and a new way of thinking.

Mumma is viewed as an extraordinary gift from nature, symbolizing the highest deity and the creator of all. Love, both for oneself and others, is emphasized, as is taking care of one’s body as a precious gift.

Integration tips for grounding oneself and effectively integrating the entheogenic experience include; acknowledging that challenges and reactivations may occur but surrender, breathing, trust, presence, and relaxation are essential practices during these times. Communicating with a sponsor or facilitator for guidance is also encouraged.

Different circumstances may require different approaches to the integration process, and all experiences are seen as part of the journey. Challenges may arise as we start purifying the consciousness, and learning to trust intuition in order to implement and live the newly found pathways.

Integration is acknowledged as an ongoing process, and individuals are encouraged to be honest with themselves, trust their intuition, and embrace the changes that come with this transformative journey.

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