Will’s Story

Now I experience a greater sense of ease and peace in everyday life. I have learned tools that assist me in being fully present in the moment, as well as connecting more deeply with myself and those around me.

Will /

Vesa’s Story

I’ve learnt that self love and being grounded in myself and my needs is pivotal in allowing me to live a fulfilling life. I can create better boundaries, focus on my inner needs and speak my truth.

Vesa’s Story /

Týr’s Story

I feel ‘whole’ for the first time in my life and have a deep sense of kindness, compassion for others, and confidence in purpose. What was a crossroads for me with many confusing choices to move forward is now clear.

Týr /

We are emerging into a new age with a new wave of assisted therapies held in sacred, ceremonial settings. There are many new ways for people to access their true spiritual selves, and we provide ceremonies that assist people along this path.

These ceremonies help increase awareness of mental health, the reasons for addiction and other human conditions.

People come to us for many different reasons for the need to heal the past patterns that are holding them back or the desire to seek a new and more vibrant future.

Our purpose is to help people reconnect to who they are, what their purpose is and what is the pathway for living their best life.

We are here to serve the ‘seekers’ of life who want to reconnect and be a better version of themselves so they can be in better service of others.

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How it Works

PTSD, depression, anxiety and other bodily ailments can “show” as stuck energy as “repressed emotions”. These are energies in motion, stored in the mind and body as memory. Through proper use of sacred plants and other modalities, we can come to understand how our past can impact our experiences on a subconscious level.
We can recognise these as inner struggles, judgements, physical ailments and other emotional disorders and traumas that show up as symptoms. When we can pinpoint and acknowledge these symptoms, the stuck energy can be shifted through systematic approaches.Unfortunately, western medicine has failed to address the core issues of underlying trauma and suffering. This is where plant medicine comes in – age-old traditions that have, over millennia, proven and substantiated results! These ancient traditions are not a magic pill but a conclusive means to an end.
There is a new wave of practitioners and participants entering into self-healing modalities. They are ready to take back power over their own lives through well-established self-care, healing and other nurturing exercises. These practices teach us how to become greater than our current selves and afford us a new way of living.

Self Exploration

We learn through self-exploration and deeper immersion into our minds, where we can travel to reveal the core issues underlying our struggles. By developing the tools of self-knowledge, we can initiate our healing process.

Proper facilitation entails holding the ceremony in a safe, secure and entirely sacred setting, allowing the participant a deep immersion into their mind as they embark on a journey of self-exploration that surpasses their wildest dreams.

Work with us

Ceremonial Retreats

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Couple Sessions

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Private Ceremonies

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